Sunday, January 9, 2011

DAY 29: Jesus, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus: Jesus Wept: John 11: 1-44

Hey Ladies!

Background on John Gospel of John:
When you need info, you have a variety of sources to choose from- the internet, books, a friend, the newspaper, or maybe even gossip girl :). You choose your source based on what kind of info you need, right? For example, if you wanted advice on which shirt looks good on you, you probs wouldn't go to the library (hahaha I just had a laugh attack thinking about it). You'd need someone standing there looking at you (and someone you considered having good taste).
Not every source of info can be considered reliable or believable. For example, would you be more likely to believe a story in a supermarket tabloid or a story in the New York Times? The source makes all the difference.
A reliable source usually provides the best info. As one of Jesus' twelve disciples John was considered a reliable source of info about Jesus. He was one of Jesus' closest friends, even among the Twelve. He didn't have to rely on hearsay; he had seen with his own eyes what Jesus could do. He was convinced that Jesus was fully God and fully man.
John wrote his Gospel for one reason; to help people believe in Jesus- the source of all wisdom and eternal life. He wanted to present evidence that would make people get off the fence of doubt and into believer territory. To John, the facts were clear. Can you say the same?

We learn for one, that crying does not mean you are weak. Even Jesus, God in flesh, wept when his friend died, Jesus isn't embarrassed by our pain or sadness either. Don't be afraid to share your hurts with him.
We also learn a lot about Faith in our passage. Let's say your parents get divorced, or someone you love dies, or your dad loses his job... When bad things happen, you struggle to understand why. "If God loved me, why wold he let this happen?" Mary and Martha felt that way . They didn't understand why Jesus let Lazarus die. But in verse 4 Jesus tells us why:  It happened so that God would be glorified. No matter how bad things get, you can trust God to work even the painful things in your life for your good and his glory- which is what life is all about.


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