Sunday, January 9, 2011

DAY 30: Jesus and the World: The Ultimate Sacrifice: Luke 23:26-49

Woot! We've made it through 30 days! 

Think about what you treasure the most. Many people value relationships above all else. It is great to make new ones and hold on to old ones right?Consider how much better your life is because of your friends and family. Which relationships do you especially treasure? Who do you spend the most time with?
Look throughout the Gospel of Luke, and what do you find? People. The Gospel of Luke is like the People magazine of the Bible but i a non- gossipy way. It zeros in on relationships. Of course, the main story is Jesus and how his story weaves into the "fabric of our lives".
Throughout the Gospel are several stories within a story- the parables Jesus told. Since Jesus was so social, it's only fitting that he would use stories in order to explain deep spiritual truths. His stories were for a wide range of people. Even small children could understand them.
What's also fitting is that Luke wrote to a friend of his in order to explain the story of the most influential person who ever lived. As a doctor (did you know Luke was a doctor? I sure didn't) and missionary, Luke met and became friends with a lot of people. He especially wanted his friend Theophilus to know the truth about Jesus. Is that your hope for the people in your life? How do you use what you know about Jesus to influence your friends and family for good?

In our passage, from the Gospal, we learn that if ever we are tempted to doubt God's love for us, we should remember that He loved us so much that He sent his Son who stretched out his arms upon a wooden cross, and had his hands and feet nailed down to it, giving his life just for you and me. We also learn from this passage that it is never too late to come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness.

What are you thoughts?

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