Thursday, November 11, 2010

DAY 8: Jacob and Joseph: Favorite Son: Genesis 37:1-10

Here is when Joseph is first mentioned in the Bible, We find out that he is Jacob's favorite son because he was born to him in his old age. Joseph's brothers are very jealous of their brothers and their father's relationship.

We know God was speaking to Joseph in the dreams mentioned in Genesis 37. What I want to know is what possessed Joseph to tell his brothers about these dreams (knowing how mean they were to him). Also, knowing what we know from Sunday School about what happens to Joseph in the future, this scene seems very ironic.

There is so much envy/ jealousy in this story of Joseph and his brothers. His brothers envied his coat, they envied his dreams of grandeur, they envied the love their father gave him. When they were given the opportunity to sell him into slavery they did. And their envy resulted in years of unresolved grief, pain, and anguish for their father.

What we learn from this story, is that  Jealousy is not good. Jealousy, like fire, starts small but quickly grown out of control. What jealous attitudes in your life need to be quickly stamped out before they overwhelm you?


Have a good one!

PS: Here are links to the Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Coat for the songs that deal with this... they are cute and silly: LINK1! LINK 2!

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