Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 1: Beauty Proverbs 11:22

"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
 is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion."

This verse reminds me of the saying "you  can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

What a waste! A solid bazillion carrot gold ring hooked through the snout of a smelly pig. That's how useful beauty is without good judgement to balance it out. Just think about the lies of some of the most beautiful (supermodel and movie stars) in the world. While these chicks look beautiful on the outside, they're often confused and unhappy on the inside. Their beauty doesn't do much but accessorize an otherwise ugly life, as we see is the case with many Hollywood folks. And in the end, even a pig with a nose ring is still just a pig. True beauty grows from the inside out, not the inside in.

True images covenant: A true images girl has Genuine Beauty. She doesn't seek shallow outer beauty; she desires a deep, inner, lasting beauty. (Proverbs 31:30)

It's not telling you to give up your makeup. Believe me, I'm the last one to throw my eyeliner and mascara away.  But to put the condition of your heart first. How does your heart look?
Like Mr. Matt used to tell us: "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting" ~Proverbs 31:30
Think about it, how many eighty-year-old models do you see on magazine covers? Even the most beautiful women eventually gets old and forgotten no matter how beautiful they once were, their beauty just doesn't last. It's fleeting- 'going, going, gone'  You probably spend a lot of time trying to look your best (I know I do). That's fine, but you also need to spend time with God , so that you develop lasting beauty- the kind of character that sets you apart and doesn't fade with time. It gets better and better, making you beautiful no matter how old you are. Did you hear that Mr. Garnier? tehehe just kidding!

What do you guys think?

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