Monday, November 8, 2010

DAY 5: Isaac and Rebekah: Match Made in Heaven: Genesis 24

I hope you all had an amazing weekend... If you noticed, I purposely made it, so that the blogs would be posted on weekdays, so you guys could catch up on the weekends... Because, trust me, I know how hard school is!

Awww such a cute love story :).

Now that Abraham was even older and Sarah was gone, Abraham decided that it was time to find Isaac a wife. He spends his servant back to his homeland to find someone just right for Isaac. We know that  Rebekah was very beautiful, but we also know that she had a servant's heart. We know this because of how she reacts to Abraham's servant (giving both him and his camels water). She went out of her way to help a weary traveler. And that is what caught the attention of Abraham's servant. After-all good looking girls are everywhere. What is more rare of girls is a stunning inner beauty; found in attitudes of self-control (maintaining purity) and service to others. These qualities make you "very beautiful" :).

Another lesson to pick up from this story is about boys and God's plan for us. a couple of days ago I (me and my nosy ways) overheard something like this in the bathroom:
"Is there something wrong with me? So why does no one consider me dating material? Sure, I have guy friends, but that's as far as it goes. "The girl with the nice personality. Everyone's pal." That's me It seems like I'm destined to wade in the shallow end of the dating pool for the rest of my life. Meanwhile all my other more experienced friends are swimming laps around me. My dreams of the perfect boyfriend are just that- dreams"
I would of said something to the girl, but she was moping in the stall next to me and that would have just been awkkkk! lol but if I had, I would tell her like I'm telling you guys now that sometimes it is just downright frustrating when God doesn't seem to cooperate with our plans for our lives. (I mean, I still have yet to meet my blue-eyed cowboy ;)) It's hard to trust that he knows wheat he's doing. But we should remember:
  • Good things come to those who wait, which the Bible teaches us in Psalms 40: 1
    I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry
  • God has not forgotten his plan for you, as Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us
    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Sure, you could compromise your standards and settle for less. But is that the kind of guy you really want? If you settle for second-best, then God can't bring the best into your life. 
Just like God had a plan for Isaac and Rebekah, he has a plan for me and you!!

Have a good one guys!